When we created Canada Helps Donations manually, the payment didn’t show up so the gifts do not show up in any reports?
Steps to manually create payments for the Canada Helps donations are below:   Search for NPSP settings in App Launcher  In the NPSP Settings page, on le...
Wed, 22 May, 2019 at 10:41 AM
How to select what back end campaign the donation is recorded in (we don't have specific appeals often, but we do have quarterly appeals that are not appropriate for the front-facing interface)
Campaigns can be easily configure to appear / not appear in the picklist.   For further information please click on this link 
Wed, 22 May, 2019 at 2:02 PM
How to cancel a recurring donation
To disable an active recurring donation automatically being processed through fundraisingManager you need to follow two steps: i) Disable the Customer P...
Tue, 16 Mar, 2021 at 3:12 PM
Why is a recurring gift created without the first payment?
In fundraisingManager when a Recurring Donation  through Credit Card or ACH is made, the first payment is taken immediately. With iATS payments they do not ...
Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 at 11:25 AM
I cannot see the Giving Summary chart on the CloudStack FM homepage
If you or one of your users cannot see the Giving Summary report chart on the homepage, you are likely missing access to the CSS Reports folder. T...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2020 at 5:53 PM
Cannot see Recent Donations or Recurring Donations on Homepage
If you're unable to see the Recent One-time Donations  or Recent Recurring Donations it's likely due to one of the following. i) You are missing...
Thu, 30 Jul, 2020 at 6:50 PM
iATS Recurring Donations not updating
If your recurring donations are not updating from Pledged to Closed Won it is typically one of two issues. a) The payment method failed b) An error pre...
Tue, 8 Jun, 2021 at 11:21 PM
Check iATS Scheduled Payments Job
If your recurring donors within iATS are not being updated you may want to check the status of the iATS Nightly Download Journal in your instance. To check ...
Tue, 8 Jun, 2021 at 11:23 PM
Cannot Deactivate a Salesforce User
If you're trying to deactivate a user and you receive errors this is because the user is set to be the default for a number of processes that must have ...
Mon, 24 Jan, 2022 at 12:14 PM
Validation Rules
Validation rules can be very handy to ensure consistency in data entry by your users.  Validation rules can pose a risk when it applies to all. With integra...
Fri, 11 Feb, 2022 at 4:47 PM