1. Once you login into Salesforce org, from the App Launcher find and select for “General Accounting Units”.



2. Click New 





  1. 3. Type in the General Accounting Unit Name and make sure that Active check box is Checked  

  • Don't worry about entering anything in the Allocation Information or Allocation Totals fields; NPSP fills these in automatically 
  • Optionally, enter a Description 
  • Click Save. 









  1. 4. Go to Campaigns and choose the Campaign record for which you want to create allocations. 






  1. 5. Under the related list Select GAU Allocation 







  1. 6. Click Mange Allocations 




  1. 7. Search for the GAU (record created on Step3) to which you want to assign the donation. 

  1. 8. Enter either the amount or the percent of the donation you want to place in that GAU. 






  1. 9. To allocate the donation into additional GAUs, Click Add row. 

10. To delete an allocation, click Delete. 

11. Click Save When you done allocating.