When entering donations within Salesforce, fundraisingManager helps keep your data up to date and free of duplicates. From a contact record in Salesforce there is a New Donation button that will use the data from the current contact or Organization.
When entering donations, we recommend you start by searching for the contact or organization by entering the name or email (email is preferred) in the universal search bar at the top of the screen.
e.g. Search Results with a contact
From the search results you can click on the contact to make any updates, or select "New Donation" button. If there are multiple records you can compare and merge the records.
A popup will appear over the record with a special donationManager. You will enter the amount, payment information, and acknowledgement preference however you will not be required to enter any donor information, the information will automatically be pulled from the record. If the donation is from an Account record you will have the opportunity to enter the primary contact for the Organizational donation.
From any Contact or Account record click the "New Donation" button*
On the record-specific donationManager if the donor has incomplete information then you receipting options will be limited. For example if the donor does not have a complete address you cannot issue a receipt, but you can select 'Acknowledge Only'. If the email is not present you can select receipt / acknowledge later.
* Note: If you can't find the New Donation button on your contact or account page layout, you may need your System Administrator to add it to your current page layout. There may be more than one, the button for fundraisingManager will be named css_fm2__NewDonation