To reverse or refund a payment processed through the payment gateway you must complete the following steps.


  1. Create negative payment on opportunity with refund details
  2. Update Opportunity to Closed Lost
  3. Update Receipt to Cancelled and notify donor
  4. Refund Payment in Stripe



Find Transaction

  1.  Navigate to the donation (Opportunity) record in Salesforce
  2. Go to the Credit Card payment record
  3. Go to the Reference number and copy the Stripe transaction ID

Update Donation records

The actual Opportunity amount is still shows the total amount, so it’s important to change the stage to Closed Lost as we did to ensure that does not get included in reports (but you are still aware of what was lost). 


If you issued a partial refund update the Opportunity Amount.

Update Receipt

If a receipt was issued, you should update the receipt status to 

"Cancelled", and notify the donor of the cancelled receipt #.

Refund in Stripe


Login to the Stripe

Locate the payment via the charge ID from the associated transaction record 



Select the payment and perform a full or partial refund from the payment in Stripe, and then create a negative payment in the same amount against that opportunity record in Salesforce.