You may have occasions where donations are not fully eligible for a receipt or completely ineligible.

fundraisingManager lets you manage receipt eligibility in multiple ways.

  1. Account Type
  2. Campaign Benefits
  3. Group Donations

All organizational donations where the account has one of the following types will be automatically Ineligible for a Receipt:

  • Government 
  • Nonprofit 
  • Foundation 

If your organization receives gifts from other organizations that should be ineligible you can configure this in the Account object type field. Any option in the Type field where the API name includes the text "Not Eligible"


Campaign Benefits

For donations where a donor receives a benefit when giving to a particular campaign, the donation is only partially receiptable. fundraisingManager allows you to create a Benefit record which reduces the receiptable amount for all donations. A benefit can be a fixed amount or a percentage. When a donation is connected to a campaign with a benefit the associated receipt is reduced by the benefit amount or percentage. If a benefit is 100% then the opportunity is ineligible for a receipt.

Group Donations are gifts that come from a number of individuals summarized into a single gift. The gift must be attached to a single contact, however they are not the true donor and thus not eligible for a receipt. The opportunity record has a GroupDonation field, when true makes the entire donation ineligible for a receipt.