Add a Donation:

There are two ways to enter a donation in Salesforce. You can either use the New Donation button on the contact record or go to the opportunity tab and click the New button.

For a simple donation, we recommend entering the donation from the contact record.

Step 1: Enter the contact's name in the search box and then click on the contact record for that donor. Create a New Contact if it does not exist already. 

Step 2: On the Contact Record, click New Donation. OR click on New from the Opportunity related list.


Step 3: Select the "Donation" Record type from the list and click Next

Step 4: Fill in the details on the opportunity record.

  • Opportunity Name - Enter a name for the opportunity.
  • Amount - Donation amount you have received from the particular donor.
  • Primary Contact - Enter donor name in this field.
  • Stage - This field will indicate the donation phase. Stages are:
    • Pledged - Select this if you have received a commitment for donation but yet to receive the amount.
    • Closed Won - Select this once you receive the amount. [Receipt will only get created for closed-won opportunities]
    • Closed Lost - Select this value if the donor is no longer interested in a donation.
  • Close Date - Enter the date when you received or will receive the money. This date will be shown as the gift date on a CRA tax receipt.
  • Acknowledgment Status - This field Indicated the acknowledgement status of this Opportunity. 
  • Leave None in order to send an acknowledgement to the donor.
  • Receipt Status - This field indicates the receipt status for that specific opportunity. Status options are as follow:
    • Leave None in order to create a receipt right away using donationManager.
    • Receipt Later - Select this option in order to create a receipt afterwards.
  • Primary Campaign Source - Add a campaign name under which you have received the donation. 

Step 5: Click on Save.

Step 6: Create a Payment Record. From the right panel locate "Payments" click on New.

Step 7: Select the appropriate Payment record type. (by using the payment method you received the donation amount)

Step 8: Click on Next.

Step 9: Fill in the Payment details.

  • Payment Amount
  • Payment Date
  • Payment Method
    • Check
    • Cash
    • Credit Card
    • ACH

Step 10: Click on Save.

Note: fundRaising Manager is not involved with payment collection using the NPSP Opportunity creation process.

If you will be processing a Credit Card donation using the NPSP in this case, you will have to manually create the payment record and fill in the details.

Step 11: Click on "Create Receipt" from the opportunity record.

It will give you an option to sent the receipt to the donor right away. If you don't want to email the receipt and just want to save a receipt uncheck the "Email the receipt directly to the donor" checkbox.

Step 12: Click on Process Receipt

Now, the receipt record will get created and will be sent to the donor.

Note: Before clicking on Create Receipt make sure records have all the required data e.g Complete Account Billing Address, Primary Contact's First Name, Email id.