A donor may start a recurring donation on one day but want the gift to process on a specific date. You can change the day of the month on which a gift is processed. Changing a recurring donation with Stripe as your payment processor can be done in a two-step process

i) Update the subscription in Stripe

ii) Update the recurring donation in Salesforce

Update Stripe

Within Stripe we'll schedule an update to reset the billing cycle to the desired withdrawl date.

First login to your stripe dashboard at dashboard.stripe.com 

Next, select the subscription you need to update.

Click Update Subscription which will open the "Update a Subscription" screen.

Scroll to the bottom to Advance Options and check "Reset the Billing Cycle"

Click Schedule update, which opens this popup

Within this popup click On a custom date. You can select the next billing date. In this example we need to change Recurring donation to process the payment on the 1st instead of the 11th. Selecting the 1st on the calendar and clicking Schedule Update will reset the billing cycle to process the payment for the donor on the 1st of every month. 

Update Salesforce

Navigate to the donor's recurring donation record within Salesforce

Update the next payment date, Click Save on the record.

Note the related opportunities close dates will be updated to match.

If you want to change frequency, update the installment period to the donor's new selection.

Changing the Installment Frequency in Stripe

Please note if you want to change the frequency of a donation e.g. from monthly to quarter then from the Pricing section of the subscription you need to remove the product in the subscription and add one based on the donor's request.

In the pricing section of the subscription you can remove the current product and add a new product. Note that the quantity value is in cents so a $10 donation means a QTY of 1000.

From the product list select the frequency of the donation.

Once you've completed it click Update subscription to save your changes.

To change the frequency or installment period select the new product based on the frequency.