Directing donations to Campaigns and GAU's using donationManager

The donationManager is an interface that allows you to enter donations either online from your website (the "donationManager Online") or when logged into Salesforce, from the Home Screen (the "donationManager").

On the Donation Information screen, there is an option for the donor to "Direct my donation to" a specific Campaign or Appeal.

Each option in this pick list is represented by a Salesforce Campaign record.   Several custom checkbox fields are used to make Salesforce Campaign appear as an options in either in the "donationManager" or the "donationManager Online".  This structure allows for the pick lists to be managed independently for your back office staff versus your online donors.    Changing these options is reflected immediately in the donationManager on the next refresh of the page (Salesforce and Online).  The fields on the Campaign object are:

  • donationManager Campaign Default - Makes the Campaign the default in the "donationManager"
  • donationManager Campaign Option - Makes the Campaign an Option in the "donationManager"
  • donationManager Online Campaign Default - Makes the Campaign the Default in the "donationManager Online"
  • donationManager Online Campaign Option - Makes the Campaign an Option in the "donationManager Online"

* Note:  Be sure to only set one "Default" for each of the "donationManager" and "donationManager Online"

Donation that are directed to a campaign in this manner will appear as a related donation in that Campaign, and will contribute to the rolled up campaign statistics on that Campaign.

Campaigns can also have a default GAU Allocation(s) assigned to them, using the standard Salesforce GAU assignment related list on the Campaign Record. 

Donations directed to a Campaign with a default GAU allocation assigned will "Inherit" the same default GAU allocation from the Campaign.  This GAU allocation can be subsequently edited on the donation.